Upcoming Events.
All throughout the year, we work with ChenMed and other university and church partners to provide teams with a glimpse into the medical world in Nicaragua by working alongside our partners in health, AMOS Health & Hope.
Our General Trip Schedule:
March: This year, Christian Medical and Dental Association is hosting a Spring Break trip for medical students to work alongside our partners in health for their communities they serve.
June: Dr. Gordon and Dr. Jessica Chen lead a trip for their ChenMed employees and family members.
September: BONUS Trip for 2023! Dr. Chris and Stephanie Chen lead a trip for ChenMed employees and family members.
December: A time for our donors of Carolina de Sirker Christian School in Nejapa to join a team to celebrate senior graduation!
For more information on how to lead a trip or become involved in a current trip, please contact us!
Various Sites Around Nicaragua
This project represents the original focus of Nicaragua Medical Missions, a spring break experience designed by the Christian Medical Association at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. Students and their leaders will work with the local clinic in Nejapa and AMOS Health & Hope, our long-term partners in Nicaragua, to provide quality care for their patients. Students will also be able to see what health work looks like in rural clinics in Nicaragua.
Our ChenMed team, led by Dr. Gordon and Dr. Jessica Chen, will provide screening and treatment for hundreds of residents in the barrio of Nejapa. This project is intended to advance the community-based health care approach to this clinic which currently serves more than a thousand patients each month. Alongside the medical project, we'll lead a sports camp on the clinic property for those who are not medical personnel and want to connect further with the residents of this barrio.
CONTACT NMM for more information on dates, costs, and availability.
This ChenMed team, led by Dr. Chris and Stephanie Chen, will continue the process of screening and follow-up treatment for patients who live in the Nejapa district, adding to the research base and long-term health prospects for new patients and patients who have been under the partnership care of the physicians in Nicaragua. Additional activities will include field days and children's games, making this project appropriate for every member of the family.
CONTACT NMM for more information on dates, costs, and availability.